But you don’t know how or when
Find a quiet place
Use a humble pen
- "Hurricane Eye," Paul Simon
The semester is over, and it's that time again; the time to churn out final papers, and crank out however many thousands of words over the course of two weeks. Only, I've already spend the first couple of days of our writing time just reading, and I have hardly made a dent in the pile of books that I wanted to read before I began my first research paper. I told myself that I would have my introductory section written before I went to class yesterday evening, but instead, I read a whole lot, and didn't get a whole lot of real (non-reading note) writing done.
It's always so difficult to begin to write though. I have a rough outline, and even an idea on how to begin, but I'm having trouble starting that initial story to lead into the meat of the paper. I really should take the words from the Paul Simon** lyrics I quoted above to heart, sit myself down in my quiet place (done) and pick up my humble word processing device (done) and start to write! I have 16 days to write my first year research paper, as well as another final seminar paper. There is just not enough time!***
** I have tickets to go see him when he's playing nearby (and by nearby, I mean not terribly nearby, but I suppose distance is always relative...), and that's exciting! Even though I don't want to take so much time away from actually working.
*** of course there is enough time. I just wast too much of it. But, I at least got the writing portion for one of my seminars done already. So, one down, two to go!!!
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