29 March 2014

The Fortnightly Review

The fortnightly review: 
  • Cold acquired, cold not yet divested.  
  • PowerPoint presentation created.  
  • 30 pin to VGA connector acquired, after Apple Store mishap. 
  • Conference paper presented.  
  • Conference PowerPoint created (taking too much time) and presented on iPad with no problems. (taking up 1:15 more than it should have).
  • Reenrollment application completed.  Fingers crossed.  
  • Blue Bottle Coffee drunk.
  • Books acquired and read: 
    • Strangers on a Train: terrifying and engrossing, made me miss my tube stop. Twice. Gave me indigestion.
    • Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore: lovely. Reminded me not a little bit of Microserfs, another favorite. 
    • The Empress of the World: good book for teens, less good for adults. A solid 'meh.'
  • Books acquired and not read: 
    • An Instance of the Fingerpost
    • The Silence of Animals: On Progress and Other Modern Myths
    • Put out more Flags
  • Books from conference book displays salivated over / put into my “I should have read this yesterday list:
    •  far too many
  • Dissertation research read: 
    • pamphlets upon pamphlets, crappily written letters upon crappily written letters, articles upon articles.  
  •  Dissertation chapter: 
    • 14,000+ words. Still not done. My footnote word count make it a suitable length for a conference paper.  It might be good performance art: Stand in a hotel lobby in an ill fitting suit, reading in a monotone “ibid., p. 34.  Ibid., p. 347…, the work on this subject is voluminous, but for some examples, see…” 

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